Excavation Patrice Couture

The expertise and know-how of Excavation Patrice Couture has grown since the founding of the company in 1993, to become a reference in the field of excavation.

Areas of expertise Excavation Patrice Couture are varied but among them we can enumerate demolition, excavation, backfill, sewer system, water supply and decontamination.

We offer professional excavation service
and superior quality service to all our clients.

Équipe de professionnel excavation

Expertise of excavation Patrice Couture

For nearly 25 years, the company provides excavation services to companies operating in commercial, industrial and oil sector as well as individuals (residential). Excavation Patrice Couture has set up customized solutions adapted to the specific needs and requirements of each customer for all types of work related to excavation.

With their professional teams and advanced equipment, they will provide to your company a project management with the greatest respect for the environment.

The mission of Excavation Patrice Couture is to provide solutions for the excavation that will not only meet the demands of their clients, but also very strict standards established by the “ Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs (MDDEP)”.